Friday 18 December 2015

The Redemption of Hepplethwaite and the Coming of Bruu

Hello, and welcome to another post. I see you are all so excited so I won't keep you long.
Just before we begin, I would like to say a few words. Paintball is fun and so is RoC (Realm of Chaos). My sister got a bunny (what the hell), which I was going to call Tzeentch, however, sadly, I have changed my mind and am now calling it simply, Sheep (because my part sheepdog herds it--and its white).
Now, without further ado, let's dive in...

The silence of night was pierced by the clip-clop of hooves as Erik (Hero lvl 10) made his way deeper into the trees.

He reached a clearing - his destination. Ahead of him, in the clearing, Hepplethwaite the Ogre (Hero lvl 5) waited nervously. He had been expecting this ever since his pathetic efforts in the last battle against the followers of Nurgle.

The stats...

Erik roared out his challenge and spurred his steed forward. Hepplethwaite strode forward stalwartly.
The first three blows glanced off his armour and he retaliated, but his opponent caught them on his shield.

Erik hammered more blows down, one piercing the ogre's defenses. Hepplethwaite roared out in anger and returned the favour twofold. Erik swayed but stayed in the saddle. His steed reared up, kicking while he himself swung at one of the ogre's two heads. Teeth flew, splintered and both heads roared out in pain. But it was too late. Reaching up, Hepplethwaite grabbed Erik and pulled him from the saddle, ignoring the man's feeble efforts to free himself.

The ogre promptly thumped the poor man's head against the ground until he stopped struggling.

"Now you listen ta me and you listen up good!" He bellowed. "I is chief here and no one else. Got it?" The man nodded feebly, yet still he glanced up defiantly.

"Good. That's good," both the ogre's heads agreed. "Just so we is clear on that." He grinned. "Welcome to the warband!"


And that was how Erik ended up joining Hepplethwaite's warband. One day, perhaps, he would challenge the ogre again. It had been close this time, but not close enough. The master would not be pleased. Anyway, he thought. If the brute stuffs up one more time I will get him.

Erik, a level 10 chaos hero, and his horse, Snowy.

And now may I present, the newest addition to my painted collection... Bruu (pronounced Broo), a level 15 beastman shaman in the service to Tzeentch. At first I wasn't sure about this miniature, but I actually quite enjoyed painting him.

That's all for now, dear readers. May I wish you all good night, and a good weekend.

Tomorrow, we shall see Bruu in all his splendor pitched against the entirety of Hepplethwaite's warband. Who shall prevail? Only Tzeentch knows.


  1. Haven't finished reading your post, had to stop to say this: That handwriting, neat and efficient, it is like conditioner to the eyes (in a good way, not like literally getting soap in my eyes in the shower).

    Also, like the change of style/colour on the blog.

    1. Hehe, to tell you the truth, its my mothers hand writing. I didn't want to mess up two more stat sheets with my own scrawl, and she was kind enough to oblige.

      Oh, and thanks. After very little consideration I changed it. Makes everything look cleaner!
